How to Earn Money Online and Work From Home Using This Simple 4 Step Formula
Are you tired of spinning your wheels, looking around the internet and simply want to know
exactly how to earn money online from home?
If you answered yes, then I want to help you do exactly that.

I am going to do my very best to show you exactly how to get started with your own lucrative online business today, so please read this entire page.
If you are like I was, you have been searching around the internet and have been attacked by what is known as “information overload”. Yes, I know the feeling well. Not only that, but you may have been introduced to a huge amount of hype on the internet promising you the moon. Well, don’t fall for handing over your hard-earned money getting involved with a business that is not willing to let you try it out for free.
I Want To Show You A Strategic and Foundational Approach To Earning A Great Income Online
I am appalled by the number of out right scams and products online today that promise the moon for a fee. I prefer to try something out before I pay any money.
In order to completely understand how this foundational approach works, I will show you how to start earning money online and get into what YOU need in order to achieve success within the online world.

What is Preventing You (and others) From Achieving Success Online?
Yes, this question is directed at you from me (Ralph). What is the single most important thing that is preventing you from earning a great income online.
- Fear of failure?
- Fear of getting scammed?
- Fear of the unknown?
The reason could be getting scammed in the past. I myself have experienced that a few times before I learned the strategies and a foundational approach to working online and having the time freedom that comes with it. I personally have had some very embarrassing experiences from this industry in the past. You see there is a right way and a wrong way to this business. Short term vision is definitely not the way to go. A long term foundational approach is the best way and the most lucrative. Trust me on this one.
I want to direct you to the ethical ways of succeeding in this industry. Something you can build upon and will last. The other thing that prevents people from success on the internet is over complicating the process. It is actually not that difficult. I didn’t say it doesn’t require work, it’s just that it is actually quite easy and really only requires three things.
To Know How To Start Earning Money Online
Requires Only Three Things
I have been marketing online since 2007 and have experienced quite a bit. Not only have I learned a lot about how to make money online, but I have also learned a lot about people in general.
People learn in many ways. We all have strong points and we all have weak points. But, there seems to be a commonality amongst people when it comes to learning how to earn money online. In other words, people who are successful in this industry seem to share three important things.
(1) They Have a Mentor
If you are like most people, when you get stuck, you want to get unstuck as soon as possible. Before you loose your momentum. This is especially needed in the beginning stages. Many people do not have a mentor because they have seen the cost of these so called “Guru’s” who charge an arm and a leg for mentor-ship. I know, I have fallen for this trap as well, only to get more stuck and an emptier wallet.
(2) They Have Their own Website
If you don’t have your own website, you will spin your wheels. I know you have seen a lot of hype on the internet about how you don’t need a website, but I am telling you that you do. And, I am not talking about a one-page site or capture page. I am talking about an actual website.
If this has you worried, don’t worry.
I have great news, building a website in the 21st century is real simple stuff. In fact, in a few moments from now you can have your own website up and running with great ease. Without spending a dime!
(3) They Learn Regularly and Put into Action What They Learn
In order to really succeed at something you really need to understand it and then you need to take action. You can have all the knowledge in the world, but without taking action you will get no where. The opposite is true as well. You can take action without knowing anything and you will do it wrong and that blocks success as well. Yes, you do need both.
learning to succeed online is like riding a bike. Once you learn how, it is a matter of continuing to ride the bike and that helps you to become better and better at it. But, when I learned to ride a bike, my dad helped me with diligence. He even used training wheels to help me get started. This type of support and guidance helped me:
- through training
- through motivation
- through action
When I was a teenager, I learned the mechanics of playing the drums. I learned how to read drum beats and drum patterns that eventually led to playing by feel. When I play today, I don’t even think of the actual patterns and drum beats any longer. It just comes to me naturally.
This is what happens when you get the proper training and then put that training to action.
The Simple 4 Step Formula
How We Take Average People and Turn Them Into Top Earners can be broken down into 4 simple steps:

- Choose an interest (we all have them)
- Build a website (don’t worry, you can do this in about 30 seconds)
- Attract visitors (let’s keep it simple)
- Earn Revenue (the best part indeed)
As you look at the above list you may be thinking that it can’t be that easy. Well, I am here to tell you it really is that easy. This is because we offer you a step by step training program designed to give you EVERYTHING you need to succeed online and earn a full time passive income. We leave nothing out and as long as you are willing to put in the effort YOU WILL succeed.
So, Let’s take a look at these 4 Simple Steps:
Step 1 – Choose an Interest
Sometimes people over-complicate this step and is really is very simple with our free training. The interest you choose can be anything at all, any interest, passion or even something you have no personal experience with, but you want to learn more about it because you have an interest in that subject. Again, our training dives into exactly how you can choose an interest that is very profitable as well and something you enjoy.
Step 2 – Build a Website
Your Website is the foundation upon which your business is built upon. This is what set’s you apart from all of the noise on the internet. The really cool part is that we have the most sophisticated and feature rich website and hosting platform designed to allow even the most inexperienced beginner to create a fully functional website in less that one minute. Yes, it really is that easy. Our state of the art training ensures that it is not only easy but super effective for earning revenue.
Watch the video below to see just how easy it really is to build your very own website. You can literally build it in 30 seconds, check it out for yourself.
Step 3 – Attract Visitors
This is a very important step. You may have heard that attracting visitors, or getting traffic, to your website is the life blood of any business. This is true, but I will also say that this is the one area where most other programs fail to teach correctly. They either teach you old techniques that do not work today, or they teach you how to spend gobs of money purchasing traffic, when it is simply not necessary to do so. You are going to be learning all about how to get traffic and visitors to your website. The focus is FREE traffic and there is A LOT of it out there and it is easy to get.
Step 3 – Earn Revenue
This is my favorite step and is the goal of our journey here online. Once you have people on your site and traffic, you can earn revenue. There are over 50 ways you can monetize traffic online, and over 550 MILLION products/services that you can promote as an affiliate. The thing is, once you start getting traffic through the methods that we teach, you will continue to get traffic. The methods we teach are known as residual traffic. This means that once you start getting visitors utilizing our methods, you will continue to get visitors in a residual fashion. You may have heard of residual income, but residual traffic is another element that drives online success.
Don’t Just Take My Word For It, Here’s What Others Are Saying About This Program

Get Started With $0
I am sure that you see the commonality here.
- I like the idea of trying out a business before spending a dime
- I believe in order to succeed you need training, support, a website and mentoring
And that is exactly what you get when you sign-up for $0,
- Mentoring and support
- Ability to get personal help and support from me (username: ramr50) I will be your personal coach
- Help within the community itself with over 10,000’s of users
- Live chat support
- Ongoing relevant discussions
- 1 Free Website
- WordPress Site that is fully functional with hosting
- Ready to earn online income
- Tons of Training
- Video Training
- Courses
- Tutorials
- Full on Classrooms
- The ability to earn great commissions (even as a free member)
- Most opportunities do not offer the ability to earn commissions as a free member
- There is no time limit to be a free member, it is not a trial membership, it is FREE forever!
You get all the above for NOTHING!, $0, no credit card required.
I know it seems crazy, but it is true. You will not find this type of training anywhere, plus the support is awesome!
You are moments away from accessing this awesome training whereas you can get started immediately.

I’ll see you inside!
Ralph Martin