Welcome to The Affiliate Resource Website!
Hello, My name is Ralph Martin and I am the guy who created The Affiliate Resource. This is a site dedicated to providing information on resources, strategies and guidance for new and seasoned affiliates alike to help and provide sound information intended to provide training, resources and strategies necessary for making a great income
online. There is a wave of misinformation on the internet regarding how to become a successful affiliate, and it is our intent to help establish a sound path and foundation to affiliate marketing success.

My Marketing Journey
I started my marketing journey back in 2007 with a traditional MLM company selling diet and supplement products. The team I was on was getting into lead generation through the internet, but most of the leads were distributed by expensive television ads. We were encouraged to
purchase these leads in quantities of about 120 per month. To say the least, they were not cheap. My wife and I did enroll several people into our business, however, we ended up spending more money than we actually made.
We then moved on to more internet based MLM companies and we did OK. Nothing spectacular, but at least generating a small profit. I learned to generate leads without spending a lot of money so we ended up with a small profit. Nothing to brag about, but at least we were not in the hole. lol…
Then in 2009, I was laid off from an 18-year career I had in the Chemical manufacturing industry. At that time, it was very difficult to find work, especially since I was overqualified for most of the
positions I was applying for. So, I had to learn how to earn income from home in a more serious way. I then met a marketer online who was selling a lead generation website and I knew a programmer who might have been interested in purchasing it, and he did. I earned a fairly large
commission off of the sale of the site and my programmer friend made me the administrator of the site. The site had a mailing list associated with it that had about 10,000 members, so it was a lot of work.
It was about that time, that I discovered that the best way to earn an income online was to create my own website and learn how to drive traffic to that website through content marketing. My programmer friend encouraged me to learn how to build a website and start generating content, because he understood the power of “organic traffic” and SEO (Search Engine Optimization) . So, I learned that it was extremely easy to build a website using the WordPress platform and now I build niche websites and earn profits through affiliate marketing.
Why I Want To Help People With Affiliate Marketing
Through my journey online, I met many bumps in the road. I spend huge amounts of money on silly things such as prospecting leads as well as internet marketing tools that accumulated on my hard drive. I purchased just about every type of money making product you can think of. Some of
them I have justified in the name of learning, others were simply a waste of time and money.
I have jointed many programs, and even quit and rejoined the same programs on occasion. Pretty silly right? I have purchased a few different types of list building tools including auto-responders, landing page creators, and other tools that I never really profited from. It wasn’t until I discovered niche affiliate marketing that I realized how easy it was to earn an income online. Not only that, but I didn’t need to buy all of these fancy tools to succeed.
So, the reason I want to help people with affiliate marketing is because I don’t want people to have to waste time, money and motivation when they don’t have to. There is an easier way. If I can do it, anyone can!
If you would like to join me within Wealthy Affiliate, you can register here to create your free starter membership. This is where I network with others and offer my help each and every day to people like yourself.
The Goal of The Affiliate Resource
As I mentioned before, there is a wave of misinformation on the internet regarding how to become a successful affiliate. That being said, it is our goal to help you establish a sound path and foundation to earning affiliate commissions online.
We are dedicated to providing valuable information on the proper strategies, guidance and resources to ensure that any new, or even experienced marketer reach their affiliate marketing goals and to make great income online. Our experience has been that many marketers over
complicate the whole process and that is simply not necessary. The strategies we teach are sound, not the type that are here today and gone tomorrow.
The idea is to build a solid foundation to your business. Something that will stand the test of time.
If you ever need a hand or have have questions, feel free to leave them below and I will be more than happy to help you out.
All the best,
Ralph Martin