List Leverage Review

I was introduced to List Leverage through an email I received from the owner of an autoresponder service I belong to known as Send Shark. Apparently, List Leverage and Send Shark have joined forces and have re-introduced this Clickbank product to the masses. In this List Leverage Review, I will uncover all the details about this program and determine whether it is worth joining. I am quite familiar with Send Shark and the owner of Send Shark, Joel Therien, so I have a lot of resources at my disposal. Plus, an inside look at the product itself.

I am also receiving quite a few emails in my inbox from other marketers I am associated with whom I know have very large lists. What I am seeing is a lot of these marketers are participating in what is known as list swaps or JV email swaps.

What is a list swap you ask? Well essentially it is when one marketer with a big list asks another marketer with a big list to email pitching a product on their behalf. Often times the marketer who is initiating the swap has already sent it to their own email and are looking to expand their reach. This happens a lot when a new product is getting introduced. Most of the time, the marketers with the big lists promote the crap out of the product before you see all the YouTube videos come out. This is fairly common and is happening a lot with List Leverage.

So, this being said, let’s take a good look at List Leverage in this review and see if it is worth the money, the time and the effort.

List Leverage Review Summary

What is List Leverage?

What is List Leverage logo

List Leverage is advertised as an advanced software solution designed to create a very large and high quality email list through leverage. This is accomplished by utilizing their proprietary Viral Lead Pass-up System.and by providing 3 high-converting lead capture

The problem I see with this idea, is not all of your referrals will participate and generate leads for you. In fact, most new marketers in this industry tend to not be very active. We see this time and time again in other programs with a similar nature.

You may participate in List Leverage in 2 ways:

Newbie Program (Monthly Members) = $49/month

Super Affiliate (Annual Membership) = $398/year

From all the hype that I have seen in various emails I get from a variety of marketers, it appears that List Leverage is a very new program that just came on the scene. But, actually it is not. In fact, List Leverage can be found on the Clickbank marketplace as a product advertised as a number one selling program in 2018.

The product was actually created by Mathew Neer a few years ago and is now hitting the scene again. Once I saw this influx of it being re-introduced into the market, I decided to take the time and research and review this product thoroughly.

Similar products have been created by Matthew Neer that you can also find on Clickbank known as income league and 54K Formula. In fact, their video presentations and sales pages are very similar as well. Both speak of making quick and easy money.

How Does List Leverage Work?

List Leverage utilizes the back office of the system to connect your autoresponder and a landing page. The system then follows your fifth lead, which is then added to the email list of the person who your were referred by. So, for every five leads you generate, you give one away. Using the reverse logic, you also get one lead for every five that your referrals generate, and so on. So as long as your referrals are generating leads, you will get their fifth lead passively

So, in theory, if you get referrals who get a ton of leads, you can build an email list passively and quickly according to the adverts and videos promoting this system.

List Leverage has recently joined forces with Joel Therien, the CEO of Send Shark. Send Shark is an autoresponder platform that allows you to capture and store all the leads you generate with the capability for you to be sending mass broadcast messages to all of your leads at once. So, what this really means is that with List Leverage, you still have to purchase an added autoresponder to take advantage of the leads the software system generates. This, of course is an additional cost of $25 a month for 50,000 subscribers. Which is a pretty good price compared to other responders.

Who is List Leverage For?

As mentioned previously, List Leverage seems to benefit seasoned marketers who already have a large list of prospects. They simply email to their large list letting them know all the benefits of building a list and how they can passively build their own list and make a bunch of money. I have seen emails come into my inbox from owners of several programs.

This is a typical approach used by other affiliate programs you see on Clickbank, JV Zoo and other similar platforms. These programs are designed to be promoted by experienced marketers who have lists.

Based on my research, if you are someone who is starting out in the internet / affiliate marketing niche and want to learn how to earn an income online, this is probably not the best program for you to join. You may be able to generate a list, but you may not have the skills necessary to capitalize on that list because this program does not really teach you those skills.

This all being said, if you are a new marketer and are looking to get started in the internet marketing or affiliate marketing world, there are better programs to join.

See How I Earn An Online Income Using My Simple 4 Step Formula
List Leverage Review

What Do You Get With List Leverage?

With List Leverage, you will not see a fancy sales page or anything like that. Basically from Clickbank you come to a page that looks like the following:

List Leverage Review

As you can see this isn’t the most exciting sales page in the world. This is most likely because you have to actually purchase the product in order to receive landing pages and other affiliate tools in order to effectively promote it. So, unlike a lot of other Clickbank affiliate programs, there are no real tools to assist you in promoting the product unless you purchase the product.

It is somewhat cumbersome to see what you actually get from this page, except a download of the comp plan, which describes the different membership levels associated with the product.

There are actually Two different membership levels and three product upgrades.

The two different memberships are:

  • The Newbie Program (monthly membership) = $49 a month
  • Super Affiliate Program (Annual membership) = $398 a year

Both of these memberships offer an advanced software solution designed to create a large high quality email list through leverage very rapidly, according to the sales page. They try and accomplish this by providing 3 high converting lead capture pages, along with their proprietary Viral Lead Pass-up System.

Once you participate in one of these two programs, you can potentially create 3 streams of revenue, including high-ticket commissions, as well as monetizing from those who purchase nothing. So, let’s take a look at the details of the two membership options:

The Newbie Program (monthly membership)

This membership pays out a $20 commission to the direct sponsor each month that their sponsor remains active. In the event that their sponsor becomes inactive, the $20 commission rolls up to the next active member above them in the List Leverage up line. The amount of the monthly membership is a bit confusing, because on the comp plan page the cost is $47 a month and on the product page it is listed as $49 a month. So, right off the bat, there is some confusion as to the actual cost of the monthly membership. As far as I can tell, it is either $49 a month or $47 a month. See the images below to see why it appears to be somewhat confusing.


List Leverage Compensation Plan Rules

List Leverage Review

Products Page

List Leverage Review

Then there is the:

Super Affiliate (Annual Membership)

The recurring annual cost for this membership seems to be consistent between the two pages. It is a yearly recurring fee of $398 and pays out $200 commission to their direct sponsor provided their sponsor is eligible to receive Super Affiliate or Annual commissions. If the members”s direct sponsor is not eligible, the $200 commission would roll up line to the next eligible Super Affiliate or Annual qualified member in that members’ up line.

In addition to the memberships offered by List Leverage, there are also three product upgrades available as well. In the next section we will look at these in detail.

List Leverage Product Upgrades

To enhance List Leverage, the member can participate in one or all the following upgrades.

These product upgrades are as follows:

  • Pages
  • Swipes
  • Webinars

Let’s take a look at each of these upgrades in detail.


Designed to help build an email list faster, a member can purchase this product and will be provided with 15 additional high-coverting lead capture pages.

You also get added to a special members’ area that teaches you how to use these additional capture pages. The idea behind this package is that it is designed to convert more traffic into leads and build a larger list.

This will theoretically allow you to create your own traffic source so you can sell products to this list. This is, of course, you have products to sell to this list.

So, how much is pages?

Lifetime Access = $97



Swipes is a collection of Matthew Neer’s highest converting emails. A thousand of them. These are supposedly the exact email messages that Matthew used to generate millions of dollars of email revenue. Wow, talk about duplicate content. Seems to me, emails like this will go directly to the recipients’ spam folder.

Of course, you also get access to another special members’ area for this as well.

How much is this package?

Lifetime Access = $24



Webinars is a product i that includes about 30 hours of webinar content that Matthew got from interviewing his circle of marketers. The idea is to see the advanced strategies these top email marketers personally used to achieve their massive results. You get access to 10 webinars, the ability to download and stream all the videos, unlimited replay ability and, as mentioned before, over 30 hours of webinar content.

You also get two bonus webinars:

  • How to flip domain names for thousands
  • Internet marketing conspiracies

How much is this package?

Lifetime Access = $497


Final thoughts

As mentioned before, List Leverage is best for the seasoned internet marketer who has a large list and wants to promote a product to earn quick commissions. If you have ever been on an internet marketers list who tends to send you emails regarding many products, this is the strategy they typically use. I have actually read courses on how this is done.

You basically build a big list by giving away free digital products with little or no value, in exchange for an email address. You then pick products from sources like Clickbank, JV Zoo and the Warrior Forum and start blasting your list with ad copy about these products. If the recipient doesn’t buy one product, they may get another email about another product. Most of the time, these marketers are not loyal to one or any of these products. They tend to focus on the “flavor of the month”.

They also tend to look for upcoming launches to promote as well. This is known as “launch jacking”.

There is a Better Way to Make a Legitimate Income Online

If you want to learn how to legitimately make passive income online, I recommend learning true affiliate marketing through The Wealthy Affiliate. You learn how to build a website centered around a product or niche you truly care about and promote affiliate products related to this niche. You learn to generate ongoing traffic from the search engines for free so there is no need to buy or build fancy email lists. Plus it is really easy to learn.

The best thing is, you can get access to advanced strategies from marketers who are earning 6 and 7 figures consistently without having to take crazy upgrades or pay extra. Take a look at a comparison between what you get with List Leverage and what you get with Wealthy Affiliate, then you can truly see what the best options are.

List Leverage

$49 per Month plus upgrades

Advertising Platform


Affiliate Platform









  • Best for Experienced Marketers
  • Can help you generate a fast list
  • Advanced training is pretty good


  • Not a good option for a newbie
  • Some of the advanced training is overpriced
  • Potential to be short lived

4 thoughts on “List Leverage Review”

  1. Yeah I was actually introduced  to the list leverage business by a friend without knowing fully what it entails then I thought it’s a site I can make money do easily,not knowing its not meant  for a beginner like me that it’s for someone who already had a large list of business then I quit was actually painful I wasted my money and go back to wealth affiliate for a start so am advising  a starter like me not  to make the kinda mistake I made thanks for the post and the good recommendations 

    • Thanks Rose, Yes, I agree with you. I actually almost joined the program as well, which is why I decided to conduct this list leverage review in the first place. Wealthy Affiliate is certainly the way to go. 

  2. Hi, so it looks like a pretty affordable price depending on the value that it is providing. Pardon my ignorance, but what exactly do I get from this as a newbie for 49 bucks a month, and how many hours will I need to put in if I want to get successful with it?

    So this helps you get an email list? How does it do that?

    I am definitely looking to create an email list, so nice work looking into whats being offered out there.


    • Hi Jake, for $49 a month you get access to the system itself. You build a list by driving leads to a capture page and then every fifth lead you generate goes to your upline. In turn anyone who signs up and does the same thing, there fifth lead goes to you. Theoretically you will build a list faster when others are promoting it under you. There are better ways to learn how to build a list though. I would recommend going through the training at Wealthy Affiliate. This List Leverage review indicates that newbies would be better not to join this program. 


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