How To Build a Website From WordPress

How To Build A Website From WordPress

If you want to know how to build a website from WordPress then look no further.

It has been pretty well determined that WordPress is the top choice when it comes to building a website these days. I don’t have to spend a lot time here to explain why, it is simply the best way to go. Especially if you are interested in attracting visitors to your website, which most people indeed are.

That being said, understand first of all we are speaking about WordPress from not, and yes there is a difference. In a nut shell, is what you want. It gives you the flexibility to create a great website that can easily be set up to attract visitors through Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and allows the user to use a variety of plugins, which add a huge amount of flexibility. You can research the differences between these two formats, for this post focuses on how to build a website from WordPress.

The flexibility of using does come with a price in that you need to provide your own hosting and you have to maintain the site. There is also a small learning curve and you do have to maintain the site and add content to it.

Do keep in mind, however, the benefits do far out way the costs. You can make a lot of money with your own WordPress website. Most people realize that you can make money with a website, although many do not know how to build a website to make money.

My #1 Recommended platform for building a website from WordPress

As mentioned before, you need to provide your own hosting and you have to maintain your site to use, and there is a learning curse involved with using this platform. There are many website builders available that provide these services, but none of them offers as much as SiteRubix. So, you may be wondering,

what is SiteRubix?

SiteRubix is a website builder that utilizes WordPress and allows anyone to create their own website and is supported by Wealthy Affiliate (an internet marketing training platform) where you are given step by step instructions on setting up your own site. But it doesn’t stop there… It is far more than just another website builder.

What is the cost of SiteRubix?

SiteRubix offers a free version and a paid version. As with any website product the paid version gives you more value than the free version, however, the free version allows you to try out the product for free before even forking over your credit card (wow, what a unique concept).

What you get from the free version of SiteRubix

  • 2 free websites on sub-domain
  • free hosting provided
  • Getting Started Internet Marketing Training Course
    • includes 10 lessons
  • No Credit Card required

What you get from the paid version of SiteRubix

  • 25 websites on a.siterubix sub-domain, 25 websites on your own domain
  • free hosing provided
  • Full training (watch video walk through below for full details)
  • $49 a month
  • Much more…keep reading

The SiteRubix platform offers 7 different awesome features that we will discuss below in detail and they are:

How To Build A Website From WordPress Video

Before I get into detail on these 7 features I would like to walk you through the process itself:

Now that you see how the process works and all that is available through this platform we can discuss in detail how each of the 7 features of the SiteRubix website builder can skyrocket your online presence and help keep you accountable to your goals.

Site Manager – Manage the health of your site

One of the aspects of SiteRubix I absolutely love is how they take simple features and build upon it to provide a huge amount of value, This is certainly the case with the site manager. This is the area where you can login to the site in which you have created. It not only provides you with a very secure password, but it allows you to login with a single key stroke. This ensures that you are not only secure, but you do not get into a situation where you cannot remember your password.

If you create several websites, it allows you a single area where you can log into each of them. Simply and easily. Not only that, but you can also access information that improves your overall website health. While many companys provide SEO training, Wealthy Affiliate goes a step further and helps you optimize your site health which also contributes to overall search engine rankings in addition to awesome SEO training to help you get traffic to your WordPress website.

By studying the image below you can see how certain factors affect the health of your site to make it more SEO friendly allowing you more SEO ammunition. I do not know of any other platform that offers this feature.

As you can see the from the image above, the factors that affect the health of your website are laid out in a very simple fashion. This gives you a road map of how to ensure the health of your site is at the optimal range and in addition to good SEO techniques, to help your site to get easily ranked in the search engines.
Let’s continue on to the other features withing the SiteRubix website building platform.

Site Builder

this is the feature that makes building a website from WordPress so easy. It literally takes less than a minute to build the actual site. In fact most of the time is spent choosing what you want your site to be about. But, don’t fear Wealthy Affiliate teaches you how to do that as well. As shown in the above video, it literally takes less than 30 seconds to build a website, and you can build two websites and have it hosted through Wealthy Affiliate for free. The site builder sections gives you three choices to choose from, you can build a website:

  • On a free domain
  • On a domain you own
  • and you can register a domain

This is where you can build your awesome website.

Again, watch the video above where I use this area to demonstrate how to build a fully functional website in less than 30 seconds. A website that can earn you awesome affiliate commissions.

Site Domains

In the Site domains section, you can find, register and manage all of your domains. This way all of your website needs and tools are housed into one area. Many site building companys have you register a domain, hosting and training with different companys. This means you would have to login to three separate areas. This makes it quite tedious to manage your website this way.

This feature allows you to transfer an existing domain that you own to the Wealthy Affiliate hosting, It’s easy, it’s quick, and it allows you to use all the domain features offered here at WA.
You can also
point domains registered
outside of Wealthy Affiliate to WA Servers and host your websites. To do
this update your domain’s DNS at the following name servers:

You have an easy to read dashboard where you can see all of your domain names in one area, along with the renewal status right at your fingertips.

Site Content

Site Content is known as the ultimate writing platform. It is where I write all of my posts and pages for all of my websites. Including this one. It has a built in grammar and spell checker along with a template builder. It makes writing content a breeze. It also allows you to check your content to ensure that it is all original content.
SiteContent will speed up the writing process and allows you to section your writing into what is known as buckets. It also allows you to create templates in addition to offering you a few templates, including a privacy policy and affiliate disclosure template.

It keeps track of how many words you write on individual pages and posts, plus it keeps track of your total amount of words so that you can set goals for yourself. It is simply the best content builder on the market. One that has helped me create tons of content to my various websites. You can write from a template or create your own templates, such as a product review template to ensure the consistency within your content writing. It turns you into an expert writer.

Oh, I almost forgot, another great feature within the site content framework, is the ability to add images within the content itself. It allows you to choose images that are available right from within the platform. Royalty free images that you can use easily with a single click of the most. This is a total time saver and one of the most valuable resources within the platform. I use this all the time and it saves me from having to search for relevant images for my content.

As you can see this writing platform can easily take a writer and with time become an accomplished writer earning an awesome leaving from the comfort of their own home. Truly and amazing platform indeed.

Site Comments

Site comments is another great feature that helps rank your posts and pages in the search engines. A well-known ranking metric for SEO is the engagement within the content on your website. As you write more content and build authority within your niche, you will over time gather comments from readers within your pages and posts naturally.
But, in the meantime, as you are building out your site, you can get a boost of comments from within the Wealthy Affiliate community through site comments. This allows you to request other members to go to your website and create a comment, ask you a question relevant to topic of that particular post or page. You can then engage with that comment showing the search engines that you have a high amount of engagement on your site. This helps with overall rankings within the search engines and gives you that extra boost as you gain more and more authority within your niche.
This is set up as a give and take type of system. You earn credits by giving others comments on their sites and you can use those credits to obtain comments on your site. This is another example of how the Wealthy Affiliate community works to help each other out and offer great resources to all. This has been the best affiliate community I have ever been associated with and I use this feature often along with engagement I get from the natural evolution of my websites.

Site Feedback

Site feedback is another great example of how the WA community helps each other out. As you learn and build out very profitable websites, you may want to have feedback from others who have achieved success with their websites as well. You may want to gather constructive feedback and obtain confidence in knowing you are heading in the right direction. Well, that is what site feedback allows you to do.
You can get expert advice and feedback from people who have been earning 7 to 8 figures and know what they are talking about. There is no hype here. Just constructive feedback to help move forward. This feature is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. That is because the WA community is worldwide, so there is always someone available online when you need feedback.
This feature works in the same way as the site comments feature. You earn feedback by giving feedback. As you build out your site and become an authority within your niche, you start to develop knowledge that others do not have. This is because you have been researching and writing about your chosen niche. This is how you become an expert in the community and earn credits doing so. There are levels within the WA community and there are experts in many areas of affiliate marketing, making money online and other niches as well. People who actually care about your success.
As you can see in the image below, you may receive both positive and negative feedback, all of which will help you in becoming an effective marketer.

Site Support

Last but certainly not least, is the site support feature. This is set up for technical support for all related website functions such as hosting support, domain support and overall website support.


So, as you can see, building a website from WordPress is not hard as long as you have the right platform and tools necessary.

The SiteRubix platform certainly has all the tools available in one place which makes it very convenient. This way you are not having to go to multiple sources for things like your hosting, domain selection and the builder itself. It is all together in one nice package.
The other important piece of the puzzle is training. You want to make sure that you have the proper training required to ensure your website receives visitors that are interested in what your website is all about. You certainly get that with the SiteRubix system within Wealthy Affiliate. It is worth trying out for free and if you think you would like to step it up a notch and learn how to create a full time income by becoming a premium member within Wealthy Affiliate, you can do that at any time. There is no pressure whatsoever.

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