Pay Per Lead Affiliate Programs

The typical way to make money online as an affiliate marketer is by selling a product online and earning a commission. Typically, this is a one time commission, or recurring commission depending on the affiliate program. Some traditional methods include writing a product review in a given niche and when someone clicks on your affiliate link and then makes a purchase, you make a commission. But, there is another way to earn online. You can earn great income by promoting Pay Per Lead Affiliate Programs.

The one advantage of these types of programs is that it doesn’t require someone to make a purchase for you to make money. Sounds great right? The only real disadvantage is they typically pay lower commission rates than if someone was to actually make a purchase. This may sound very confusing, especially if you aren’t sure what a Pay Per Lead Affiliate program actually is. Let’s address that question next.

What is a Pay Per Lead Affiliate Program?

A Pay Per Lead Affiliate Program is a program where the company pays the affiliate based on what is known as a cost per action. For example, an advertiser may wish to offer compensation to someone who promotes a link that simply has a from for someone to fill out. When the from is filled out with true information, then the affiliate gets paid regardless of whether a purchase occurs or not. The action can also be a free software download or a free trial offer sign-up where the potential customer has to give their name, email, or perhaps a phone number.

Whatever the required action is, once that is complete, you can earn commission. Like I mentioned before, these types of actions are fairly easy to get people to do because there is usually some type of incentive for the potential customer. Either a free trial or a free download of some sort that has value. If a person is searching for particular information and they come across your affiliate link that offers what they are looking for, for free, they are more likely to take the action.

So, you may be wondering, where you can find such affiliate programs. Well, below we have included four best Pay Per Lead Affiliate Programs.

#1 – Constant Contact

Pay Per Lead Affiliate Programs_Constant Contact

Constant Contact is an email marketing platform that helps small business, website owners, bloggers and other business owners drive more income using their online tools. They help these businesses:

  • build awareness and find leads with Instagram and Facebook Ads;
  • increase sales or donations in less time utilizing Constant Contact’s email marketing automation;
  • get the most out of their online store with different commerce tools;
  • improve lead magnet effectiveness with their Leadpages integration.

The Constant Contact Affiliate Program allows its affiliates to earn $5 for all qualified leads. Qualified leads are potential customers that take a free trial with no credit card required. Plus, they offer $105 when the referral pays for a Constant Contract account. There is no limit or cap on commissions.

They also provide a variety of market-tested creative assets to use on your affiliate website, so you can choose the as and banners that are the most effective to your particular brand.

For more information on the Constant Contact Affiliate Program click here.

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Pay Per Lead Affiliate Programs

#2 – Freshbooks

Pay Per Lead Affiliate Programs_Freshbooks

Freshbooks is a cloud based accounting platform for business owners. They have a lot to offer the small business owner. All the way from invoicing and expenses to time tracking and accounting and other small business resources. They are fairly well-known so its an easy way to earn some extra cash through their affiliate program.

So, how much can you earn with Freshbooks? They pay their affiliates $5 per free trial sign up. Plus, you get $55 per paid subscription. You can earn a great number of these $5 free trials by monetizing your content using track able links provided by their third party affiliate network partner, Share-a-Sale. They also offer VIP commissions for top earners in the industry.

The Freshbooks Affiliate Program also offers and extended Cookie life for visitors who click your affiliate link and begins the trial within 120-days. This is an awesome cookie life for any affiliate program. They also offer dedicated in-house affiliate management and partner support. To get more information about the Freshbooks Affiliate Program go here.

#3 – My App Builder

Pay Per Lead Affiliate Programs - MyAppBuilder

This is a very interesting one to say the least. is a complete full service app development company with software that helps clients build their very own apps. They actually offer 3 different services plans for custom apps to be created.

In addition to that they pay great commissions to their affiliates. They offer different plans and affiliate payouts for each of these plans. The plans are as follows:

  • Build my own with tech support – affiliates get $29 per sign up
  • Build for me – affiliates get $200 per sign up
  • Build for me dedicated – affiliate get $800 per sign up.

Now here is where the fun begins. The pay per lead program offers a huge $10 per lead! This is paid out if the potential client requests a customer quote for an application. These $10 commissions can add up quickly. Plus, if the potential client signs up after getting the quote, the payout is $500. As you can see, you can make a large amount of money from this affiliate program. This is one of the best Pay Per Lead Affiliate Programs out there. Plus, this company has been around since 2008 and has created hundreds of iPhone/Android Apps.

Not only that, but their affiliate program is managed by ShareASell. If you want more information about affiliate program and ShareASell, go here.


The Advantage of Pay Per Lead Affiliate Programs

Pay Per Lead Affiliate Programs_

As mentioned above, the commission pay outs for the Pay per lead programs are smaller than traditional affiliate programs. For example, travel agent affiliate programs allow the affiliate marketer to earn high ticket commissions. This is great, especially for the marketers who utilize pay per click type of advertising. This is because they get a better ROI (return on investment). Plus, for the marketer who uses organic traffic methods, the potential is amazing because the free advertising allows the ROI to be even higher.

But, on the other hand, you only make a commission when the visitor makes a purchase. A smaller percentage of visitors will make a purchase from your website, especially if they are simply looking for information that is relevant to your niche. But, if a visitor searches for something related to your niche because they are looking for information and come across a free trail, they will most likely take you up on the offer because there is nothing really to lose. Especially, in the case of Constant Contact, where they don’t even have to use their credit card. This certainly makes for an easier way to earn a commission.

It may be a lower dollar amount, but you will get a much higher conversion rate that earns commissions. This is good for both free and paid advertisers.

Final Thoughts

As you can see from the above top 3 pay per lead affiliate programs, this is a niche that you really should look into. It has impressive benefits and very easy to get conversions and sales. Especially if you have a lot of traffic going to your website.

If you’re ready to jump in and claim your piece of the pay per lead pie, take a moment to check out my top recommended resource. Once there you can learn how to build your own profitable online business and take your affiliate earnings, in the pay per lead niche or any other, niche for that matter. As mentioned above, if you had a lot of traffic to your website you can earn a huge amount of online income. It may seem difficult to generate that type of traffic, but with the right type of training is isn’t really that difficult at all. It simply takes consistent effort and the willingness to learn.

If you have been searching for a way to earn an income online and have stumbled upon programs that require you to spend money before making money, I urge you to try a different path. You can create your very own website online very quickly with the right support and the right training. Plus you can start without any money at all. Plus, you will get all the support you need to earn a passive income that will be with you from many, many years to come.

Affiliate marketing is certainly the best way to make money online and it really isn’t as difficult as some people might think. We offer a free and comprehensive training that allows you to create and host your very own website with no out-of-pocket cost. You can even start today and get all the support you need to ensure a consistent passive income from the internet.


7 thoughts on “Pay Per Lead Affiliate Programs”

  1. Good information
    I didn’t know about payperlead affiliate programs, that they pay you just for filling application or signing up without paying.
    This info will help me
    Nice post

    • Thanks Moses for your feedback. Yes Pay Per Lead Affiliate Programs are great. You can promote them on your Affiliate Marketing website and add them to your current affiliate portfolio.

  2. From what you have said this a great way to start making some money onlie even though it may be small. Like you pointed out especially if you have a lot of traffic that is coming to your website. This can really cause those small amounts to add up which I think is a big win. This is the first time that I have heard of a platform like this but it seems to be worth the time looking into and at lease giving it a try. Thanks so much for sharing.

    • Thanks Norman for your feedback. Yes, this is a great way to get started, especially for someone like you who is in the affiliate niche. I really like your website and think this would be a good fit for you.

  3. Thank you very much for this valuable information. It is very difficult to wait till someone actually signs up and pays. I will explore these programs today.

    • You are very welcome Prav. Yes, the conversion rates are much higher than a traditional affiliate program and adds to your overall ability to produce a passive income online.


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