Selling health and wellness products to your network of friends, family and business associates may sound like an awesome way to make extra money or even a full time income to have a flexible schedule. Network Marketing or MLM schemes such as Usana do have the potential for that type of income and flexibility. If this is something that appeals to you, perhaps you should continue reading this post. In this Usana MLM Review, I’ll describe what it may take to earn an income and whether this model and company could help fulfill your desire to succeed as a business owner, or just make an extra income on top of your full time gig.
What Is Usana? 
Usana is a very large health and wellness Network Marketing, or MLM company. They are a well respected company and have had years of high-profit growth. The company has been around since 1992 and was founded by Myron Wentz, Ph.D. who was a visionary, scientist, philanthropist, and entrepreneur.
The company has a BBB rating of A+ and their revenue is a little over a billion dollars. They also have over 500,000 distributors and, along with some other interesting statistics, they claim to have an average yearly income for established, full time associates. This is pretty amazing for the MLM world. Most MLM company’s show a much lower average income for their full time associates or distributors.
The company has survived a few lawsuits, one back in 2017, a class action lawsuit, where they were accused of failing to disclose adverse facts about an acquisition they had in China.
They had some others in 2007, where Usana faced eight law firms competing for the right to represent stock holders in class-action suites. These cases were spawned by a report written by an ex-con named Barry Minkow, who was known for buying options on Usana’s stock in a bet that prices would fall USANA responded by suing Minkow for fraud.
The interesting thing about these lawsuits is that they ultimately helped Usana develop a good solid reputation. Unlike other company’s who recover by changing their name or drastically changing the way they do business. Usana is still the same company after these allegations.
In general Usana is a great company all the way around, but should you pursue this company and get involved with its business opportunity?
I don’t think it is impossible to make a good living with Usana, but there are certainly easier and better options available to those who want to make a great income online and have the time freedom as well.
Are Usana Products Worth Their Price?
Of course, as an associate of Usana, you will need to sell the products if you want to either earn extra income, or help pay for the products if you decide that you want the benefits associated with them.
The flagship product that Usana sells is called CellSentials.
They sell the core product that includes two bottles of pills. One is called Core Minerals and the other is known as Vita Antioxidant. These two products work together to support vibrant health. For $53.95, you get both products that contain 112 tablets per bottle. This is a 28-day supply. Compared to other vitamins in this category, they definitely are well priced. Especially for an MLM company. Most MLM companies overcharge for their products so that there is a higher profit margin left over for the distributors. This is not the case with Usana. They do tend to maintain both quality and good value overall.
The overall health benefits of these products include:
- the fact that they are formulated with patent-pending USANA InCelligence Technology® This is supposed to unlock cellular communication codes utilizing proprietary nutrient blends that act as a cell activator in your body naturally to protect and renew themselves.
- Together these two products supply balanced levels of higher quality vitamins and antioxidants with a balanced range of very absorbable trace minerals along with trace minerals.
- Together these two products provide a foundational approach to optimal nourishment plus very powerful antioxidant protection and mitochondrial renewal support for the overall longevity of your cells and support for your health.
To get an overall idea of this products line, watch the video below:
Of course, they have many other products as well. These include other nutritional s, a food and energy product line, skin care and oral care.
The Usana Opportunity
The Usana opportunity starts with becoming an associate. You will have to find another associate to sign up under if you want to become one. There are several ways to earn from Usana. They include the following:
- Commission from retail sales
- Weekly commissions
- Matching bonuses – Lifetime
- Leadership bonuses
- Elite bonuses
- incentives
You make 10% commissions on your retail sales, which is essentially the difference between your cost and the retail cost of the products you sell. You will have to figure out exactly how to sell these products. There are a limited number of tools available, but you are responsible for the actual finding of the customer. You will have to rely on your sponsor to learn what works for them. This is, of course, if your sponsor is doing well.
You also get 20% commission on your groups sales, which is pretty good for this type of business model.
Usana does utilize a binary compensation plan, which allows associates to earn from others that they have introduced into the business. You basically have a left leg and a right leg for your business.
To get the details of the compensation plan watch the video below:
How Much Does It Cost To Join Usana?
You can become an associate for a little as $29.95, which covers the
Business Development System. This include all the training materials
that one needs to get started.
You will most likely have to purchase some product and additional
training because the training that comes with the Busines Development
System is rather limited in scope. You will also need to get additional
training as well because the training is also very limited.
The price to get started, however, is still relatively cheap compared to other MLM’s that utilize this same business model.
Can You Make Money With Usana?
The thing about Usana, is that they are a little different from most other MLM company’s. Most MLM’s have a very low average income rate amongst their associates. Usana, on the other hand shows an average annual income of $91,800 for established, full time associates. This is unheard-of in this industry. Granted, this is for established associates. Keep in mind, this is not for beginners or part-timers trying to make extra income. These are people who have learned what it takes to make a full time income with Network Marketing, or already know how to succeed with Network Marketing.
So, to answer the above mentioned question, if you are new to Network Marketing, it may be difficult. I am not saying it is impossible to make money with Usana as a beginner, but there are certainly better options available.
Pros and Cons of Usana
- Low start up cost
- Very well-established – They have been around for over 20 years
- High average income for established associates
- Difficult for Beginners to earn a decent income
- MLM companies like this one tend to get involved with legal issues
- There are easier ways to earn income online through affiliate marketing
- Products have not been evaluated by the FDA
Is Usana Legit?
Based on the fact that Usana has overcome all of their legal issues and has been around as long as they have, I would say that Usana is definitely a legitimate MLM company. Their products are based on good science and they seem to have a lot of satisfied customers who purchase their products.
The company has proven in court several times that they are not a pyramid scheme and that they have a solid pay plan that is not only based on recruiting. They do earn money from product sales as well as team building. So, overall Usana is a legit company to work with.
Final Thoughts On The Usana MLM Review
One of the biggest struggles in dealing with these MLM, or Network Marketing companies is that a lot of people who join them fall under the pressure to succeed at all costs. They start off bugging their family, neighbors and Facebook friends to purchase products so that they can make a few extra dollars each month. But, what happens is they end up belonging to NFL club (No friends Left Club).
If you really want to make money online and have a flexible schedule, your best bet is to create your very own online business. This way you actually get to choose the product and services you want to promote as apposed to have a particular company tell you what you must promote. If this sounds like a better way for you, check out my number one recommendation on how to build your very own online business. You will not have to bug your friends and family, show presentations or anything like that. But, you will get free training, hosing and two free websites along with a huge amount of support.
Wow, that was very thorough review of USANA. It sounds like they been throuh quite a bit but have managed to come out on top. That shows integrity which is missing a lot in the world of internet businesses. It is certainly worth a second look. Any business takes effort and determination. No such thing as get rich quick unless you hit the lottery. Thanks again.
That is so true Larry. There really is not such thing as get rich quick within the online marketing world. If you find one that claims that you better run quickly because you are ready to get scammed. That is why I like the foundational approach to earning money online. It is truly legit and the income potential is much higher.
The average income for established earners in this company is truly amazing. However it makes me wonder what percentage of people that are selling Usana products are established and earning that kind of money. Although the start up cost is very low and that is impressive I am wondering how much all of the upsell‘s are going to end up costing a person in order for them to succeed. It is very difficult to succeed in MLM companies because, as you said, you end up selling to friends and family and end up with no friends left. I must say that I am impressed with the cost of the product. As you said often they are marked up substantially more than that. However, I’m glad that you gave an alternative that will actually work.
Thank you Darlene for your feedback. Yes, the cost of the product is impressive, for I have seen other products in this industry much higher and they were non MLM type of companies. As I mentioned in the Usana MLM review, because of their track record and longevity within the industry, they can offer good products at good prices and still maintain the good payouts to their associates.
MLMs are a good way to produce a residual income but do take a lot of consistent effort. In the early 90’s I built the one I am still associated with to the point it was paying my mortgage but then non-business challenges entered my life. I was not able to continue helping my downline who had become dependent on my help. With no real leaders downline the volume decreased.
USANA I’m sure is a valid MLM since it has passed the government’s regulations and has stood the test of time. Their structure is good and payouts could be substantial with a consistently strong effort.
You did an excellent and thorough review of USANA. The videos added more insight into the company. I feel this would be a good opportunity for any blogger within the health and wellbeing niche.
Again, Thanks for the excellent review and
Thank you for your feedback Leo! Yes, I certainly agree. Any blogger within the health and wellness niche could do really well with Usana as an MLM. This is the best way to promote these types of products. I too, did real well with an old MLM company in the early 2000’s. I built up a solid downline and we basically called leads and led them directly to our website. The foundational approach to Network Marketing is certainly the way to go.
I have previous experience with attempting to make a living from MLM, although in a very different product niche to Usana. Needless to say, despite trying really hard and in the process annoying a lot of my family and losing a few friendships, I failed completely. You’re right to highlight these problems, as well as the others to do with FDA regulation, or not, of a wellness product.
Thanks a lot for such an amazing article about Usana MLM Review.I’m still looking for ways to make a passive income so I read a lot of articles on the internet. After I see your review, I think this article can help me earn income from a Legitimate MLM company. A very good article with useful information, one of the best I have read, I will certainly try this method. Thanks again for this post. If you don’t mind, I will share this article on my social media account. Much obliged and thanks.
Thank you Sabrina for visiting my website. You are very welcome and you can certainly share this article on your social media accounts. I have other MLM reviews in addition to some really great affiliate marketing resources.